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Diving in to Address PPE Shortages
PODCAST Devon C Campbell PODCAST Devon C Campbell

Diving in to Address PPE Shortages

One of the positive developments to unfold during the COVID-19 pandemic has been the incredible work to meet urgent needs for medical supplies. The non-profit is one such effort, and it has taken a creative approach to filling gaps in personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies, in both device design and business strategy. The project also served as a blueprint for innovators and startups on how to innovate quickly while developing viable manufacturing and regulatory pathways to market.

Here in Episode 2 of the Let’s Talk Medtech Podcast, Sanjay Vakil, Devon Campbell, Ken Block, and Jon Speer talk with host Daphne Allen about the the project and how they rapidly brought their unique skills and networks together to bring their modified snorkeling mask to caregivers without proper PPE — all with amazing speed. So many great lessons here about rapid creation, scale-up, and growth for early stage medical device companies.

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